Deepika Padukone gets candid about Ranbir, Anushka, Salman & SRK In an interview to Hindustan Times, Deepika poured out her heart regarding matters really close to her. The actress who is gearing up for her next big release, Race 2, explains about her hunger for good work. She says, “I’m glad my efforts have been appreciated so far but I have a hunger, and it’s not necessarily for success. I want good work.” On wanting to work with Salman Khan: “Show me one person who doesn’t want to work with…
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Deepika : Women free to dress according to their wishes
Deepika : Women free to dress according to their wishes Bollywood celebrities have expressed grief and anger over the brutal gang rape of a para-medical student in the national capital. While the protesters are blaming Bollywood’s vulgar dance moves, lyrics, skimpy outfit, actress Deepika Padukone strongly refuted the claims saying a woman can dress the way she wants. Following the rape incident, a group of society is blaming the skimpy dressing style for rape cases. Strongly protesting this comment, Deepika Padukone said, “Women are constantly blamed for the way they…
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